God is a Psychopath

God is a Psychopath

How can it be said that God works in mysterious ways?
How can death be anything but cruel?
To deny the Divine’s morality, defeats morality here.
To say, somehow that God need not follow the rules he set forth…

If there is a God, he is not benevolent.
If there is a God, he is cruel.
If there is a God he certainly is malevolent.
If there is a God, he doesn’t care about you.

Imagine a truth in which there is a sentient God.
He created humanity, to be in his image.
Then, he gave humanity confusion, never ability to understand him.
Then, he gave humanity pain, which he could remove if he wanted.
Then, he gave humanity fear, so some could control others,
and so he could control us.

Then, he gave humanity genetic imperfection, so that none could approach his grandeur.
Then, he gave humanity greed, to lead us from his care.
Then, he gave humanity intelligence, to question his existence,
but, if he exists, that’s only a falsehood,
So another thing to move us past his warmth.

And then, finally, he gave us death.
And then, finally, he gave us death.

If God exists, none of these things is required.
If God exists, he could save us from ourselves.
These are not “mysterious ways.”
These are things we find in ourselves.
In the mentally ill.
In the bullies beating the weak.
In psychopaths.

If there is a God, he is a psychopath, who wants nothing more than to torture his flock.
But, have no doubts, adherents.  Doubt will lead you from his truth.
You might realize you’re being fucked.