Defending Smoking

Defending Smoking

The only reason to smoke is if you wanna die.
But don’t take it away. I know you wanna try.
Suicide’s frowned upon. I’ve never understood why.
But life is pretty shitty, we’re being pretty sly.

You’ve been trying to get us to stop in many different ways.
But don’t tax it outta us, we can’t afford to pay.
Just make it illegal, or go the fuck away.

29% of poor people smoke. More than any other group.
When you take from us, it’s food.
We’re gonna smoke, rollies and the like.
And things get worse, the cheaper they are.
So you’re killing us with inferior products and taking from us beyond our means.

So we smoke, so we stink, so we’re not worthy of a kiss.
So separate us, so segregate us, leave us in the cold. Look sideways at us.
Provide an annoying cough.
But it’s not illegal. It’s not illegal. It’s not against the law.
Give us the little smoke-filled room in the middle of an airport.
A little respect.
Because it’s not illegal.

I really respect those who don’t smoke. I step from their path. I walk away from kids. I put out my butts. But I feel it is part of my American liberty to be able to smoke. I hope the next generation smokes less, the next; less than that; but it should be possible to smoke without getting a second job. It is up to the individual whether to smoke, not the government, unless the government wants to go there.

You should, government, but until then, seriously, fuck off.