My Proposed Amendments to the US Constitution

I propose 5 amendments to The Constitution of the United States.


The districting of States for seats in the House of Representatives shall be determined by random process, with the express intent to provide a fair, representative, and non-partisan distribution of population in those districts.


Human life begins upon the date <much argument, with the possibility of war.> except in cases of rape, incest, or the health of the mother.

Now Irrelevant.


The term of office for each of, Members of The House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and The Presidency of The United States of America shall be set to not exceed 12 consecutive years. No President shall be allowed to serve more than 12 years in total. If the Vice President of the United States, or other member of the government pursuant to Amendment <whatever> are to then serve as President of the United States, that time served will count towards the 12 years limit, thus making the maximum number of electoral victories equal to two. This clause overrides <Amendment blah blah>


The term of a Justice of the Supreme Court shall not exceed 50 total years. Any Justice currently serving is bound by this rule. This amendment overrides the Ex Post Facto clause of The Constitution in this case only.


The Members of the Electoral College will be elected by popular vote to be held after the vote for President of the United States. All of those Electors will be free to vote during the voting of the Electoral College as per <article whatever> for whomever they please.